Equine Orthopedic system

“Research shows that up to 90% of all injuries to the extremities are linked to hoof shape and movement patterns.”

The idea of the Equine Orthopedic system includes several unique innovations of its own, such as the modern horseshoe, an adjustable tendon and suspensory ligament support, a measuring instrument with multiple functions – a unique measuring instrument that maps and corrects movement disorders. We also use a sensor system that reads the movement pattern with detailed analyses of the ground forces of the hoof and lower leg.

I have also tested a very gentle rehab and training method that provides a high training effect by activating the entire body with an airy and dynamic movement pattern at a controlled pace.

Good communication between trainer, veterinarian and farrier is essential for proper treatment of most equine lameness. Correct diagnoses and treatments can only be made by communicating according to the same practices and definitions. It is one of our primary goals to spread knowledge through our research and discoveries.

Previous research projects

During the years 2010 – 2013, Anders Hesselgren started a horseshoe project to test new horseshoes and map the balance points that affect the horse’s movement mechanics. The horses were purchased cheaply or donated to the project. With new technology on the hooves, the horses ran in over three years to earn close to – 300 000 euro!

All of our horses returned to competition, but the project was particularly noticed by Jasper Lane with gluteal ligament injuries in both hind legs. After rehab training, he made a comeback as a 10-year-old and went from “zero” to the world elite in just over a year.

Jasper Lane competed in several international races such as the Olympiatravet (5th), Sweden Cup (4th), Prejs Der Giganten (5th). He did about 30 V75 races, including six V75 finals.

Jasper Lane earned a total of 200 000 euro from 10 to 12 years old in HOOF IN MOTIONs management.


Our belief is that treatments and methods that treat injuries to the musculoskeletal system are artificial respiration if you do not first ensure that the horse is in the right balance and movement pattern before undertaking veterinary or alternative treatments. Collaborations with veterinary expertise have and always have been a central point for all my innovations. The support of many well-known veterinarians has also been a great source of inspiration for sustainably running my projects. I would like to especially mention the late Vet. Professor Arne Lindholm

To understand the origin of injuries, research must make a paradigm shift to also focus on the only thing that can directly influence the movement pattern – which are in combination fittings, hoof angles, rollover and attachment.

Balance Points

“The balance points of the hoof and lower leg influence the entire body to move in a characteristic way” 

Over the years and through the previous horseshoe project, we have managed to map the balance points that directly affect the movement pattern, some of which are adjusting the overstretching in the tread in relation to the length of the vertebra, such as the joint direction in the knee, vertebra and hock in relation to the rollover.

“Joint alignment, a healthy elastic tendon and toe extensors are absolutely crucial to reducing injuries and affecting performance.”

Suspensory Ligament

The function of the suspensory ligament is to stabilize the vertebra to counteract overstretching, absorb shock and store energy which is then converted into kinetic energy. 

Repetitive overstretching and overloading is the biggest cause of damage to joints, tendons and ligaments. Overstretching reduces the elasticity of the supporting structure over time, which also worsens with age.

An overstretched hamstring (pictured) negatively affects movement patterns and hinders performance.

Training and competition cause breakdown and overstretching as the horse gets older. This ultimately leads to overloading of the trot, the horse loses speed, time and efficiency. Over time, the risk of injury increases, especially to tendons and gluteal ligaments. Heavy trot can also be congenital, especially for horses with long vertebrae.

Suspensory ligaments injury – 60-80%.

Return visit 7 weeks after our treatment.


The superficial toe extensor runs on the front of the leg and has the function of extending and flexing the toe, it also controls the elbow movement of the foreleg and the hock movement of the hindleg. The superficial toe extensor is connected to the toe length and is branched with the forked ligament which is connected to the height of the foot.

By balancing the toe extensor in balance with the gluteal ligament, all vital parts of the complex support structure are in equilibrium. Which means that you primarily need to focus on the superficial toe extensor and the gluteal ligament to find an effective and dynamic movement pattern that both reduces injuries and increases performance.

Innovations and Equipments

Adjustable tendon and suspensory ligament support

Training and competition cause breakdown and overstretching as the horse gets older. This ultimately leads to overloading of the trot, the horse loses speed, time and efficiency. Over time, the risk of injury increases, especially to the gluteal ligaments. Heavy trot can also be congenital.

We are testing a unique shock absorber for the crotch strap that also provides support for overstressed joints and tendons. The support controls the leverage for horses that “pedal through” which gives an extra kick to the hindquarters.

Unikt mätinstrument

Den första versionen av prototypen

To find the right angles, we use our own innovation that only exists in one copy – a world-unique orthopedic measuring instrument that is adjustable at all angles with a revolutionary function of casting an orthopedic sole that corrects the misalignments.

With the instrument we find the small misalignments that are impossible to perceive with the eye.

The repetitive process of a marginal misalignment in the movement pattern causes a small injury with each step. If the micro-injury does not have time to heal between training sessions, the risk of developing into a more serious injury increases significantly.

The latest prototype has been developed with laser beams that, with a rotatable spinning plate, provide the ability to precisely set the angle according to the joint direction in the vertebra and knee.

Den moderna hästskon

“When the hoof hits the ground with a classic horseshoe, kinetic energy is completely lost with each step”

HOOF IN MOTION was founded in 2010 with the aim of developing an effective horseshoe that both reduces injuries and increases capacity. Our horseshoes are constructed according to a geometric pattern that provides a dynamic and soft and smooth transition with a yield that with a bounce in the push-off provides leverage without extra muscle power. The shoe is designed so that the shock waves of the impact collapse which drastically reduces harmful shock waves up the leg.

The goal of our horseshoes is to minimize injuries, improve coordination, balance muscle imbalances and improve movement economy in speed and endurance. Our shoe also has the property of providing leverage without additional muscle power. 

Träningsmetod - Run Feeling

Horses stay healthier by moving on varied surfaces, monotonous surfaces passivize the body’s balance and coordination system. If the complex muscle system does not receive the impulses it needs, the horse’s natural movement patterns are therefore negatively affected. – This, in turn, often leads to stress and wear and tear injuries that ultimately cause lameness.

Training with correct biomechanical movements stimulates important impulses for the body’s balance and coordination system, which has been shown to have a rapid healing effect on joints, tendons and ligaments.

The heart can handle hard training, but muscles, tendons and ligaments need longer to recover – that’s why it’s important to have a gentle movement pattern.  The effects of factors such as surface, shoe type, impact and stride length are also important metrics and are the foundation for finding the right training methods.

Världsledande sensorteknik

30 years of research into equine biomechanics has paved the way for innovations that, together with the latest sensor technology, provide detailed analyses of the lower leg and hoof ground forces.

Equine Orthopedics System is testing a world-leading sensor system for runners in human sports. Advanced algorithms read each individual step in about 40 different movement values ​​that can be expanded by cross-reading the values ​​into ratio values ​​that are measured in symmetry with left and right.

The system covers everything we need, which means we don’t need to invest in high-speed cameras, 3D systems or advanced printing plates.

The system’s algorithms make it possible to predict the overall force pattern in the upper body by reading the force in the lower part of the leg when it hits the ground.

“The key is classical physics and the connection between forces and motion”

Detailed analyses of the lower leg and hoof ground forces in symmetry with left and right.
Analysis of symmetry in the sacrum, hip, shoulder and pelvis in relation to the lower leg and hoof ground forces.
Heart rate measurement helps the system optimize the measurement values ​​and movement pattern to the lowest heart rate.
The system can calculate VO2  the maximum oxygen uptake capacity in liters of oxygen per minute.

Some examples of measurements are the rapid change in speed during braking, the shock impact and the maximum load of the body weight. The stride length, contact time on the surface, the hovering movement, the time in the air, the three-step insertion phase, the rhythm of movement and how the hoof pronates in the air in relation to the landing. The system also adds how the movement pattern is affected by the attachment to the varying structures of the surface, how the hoof is balanced with different types of fittings and soles in relation to hoof angle and rollover.


With our thermal imaging camera, we can detect injuries and damage to ligaments or tendons up to three weeks before clinical symptoms.

Metod för lagning av hovsprickor

A very gentle method that immediately makes the horse non-lame and allows it to train and compete after just half an hour.

About us in top media

”During the development of the Equine Orthopedic System, we have been recognized with over 60 articles in the swedens largest media”

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